Republican or Democrat... Nah, Jesus For President!!!

>> 27.8.08

Earlier this evening, a fellow student spoke the following words in reference to the current election, and it pained me: "My dad hates Joe Biden, so I do too." As much as my conservative upbringing screams for me to follow suit and accept judgments on blind faith, I cannot accept such ignorance. Though I do not consider this friend an ignorant individual, this comment reveals an common theme I have seen within the church--a lack of questioning. Students generally take whatever their parents say and hold to it, almost never thinking or deciding for themselves. The conservative circle has enveloped the Christian faith in a bubble of ignorance and allows no deviance from the policy that is not necessarily biblical or correct. Any who try to question or leave the bubble are either labeled an "ignorant liberal", "stupid", and even "non-christian". How dare we. The church has, first and foremost, no authority to decide for everyone what the right path is. Input is useful in coming to a decision, but this barbaric manner of decision making reverts back to the days of Catholicism. During the days of Martin Luther, the church primarily used a Bible written in Latin, not because there wasn't a translation, but simply because the masses could not read Latin. Therefore, the church had ultimate authority to decide the interpretation of the truth. As the masses could only see the Bible through the selective lenses of the clergy, corruption ensued and subsequently the Protestant Reformation came about. In this same way, we must look beyond the so called "political truth" that our spiritual leaders proclaim, not forsaking their insight, but simply being sure that the ultimate decision is ours and ours alone.

Vote for Yourself
