Airplanes and Airshows

>> 17.9.08

"Daddy, Uhh!" Baby Luke suddenly exlaims, frantically pointing through the ceiling, as the sound of a distant airplane permeates the walls of his home. As the loving father curls his arm around his son, John smiles knowingly, as he does every other time that the jet-propelled machine passes over. Though annoyance could be a result of this habitual routine, the caring father is far more interested in the son's passions than his own comfort. With a twinkle in his eye, John says "Yea Luke, thats an airplane!" The love of the father is so great, that he does not mind the simplicity of his son's perceptions, but instead he treats this exclamation as an observation of greatest interest. He loves the son for his passions, not his abilities.

How often do we seem like Baby Luke? Everytime I come to some great new epiphany, personal or spiritual, I am amazed by the limited scope of my perception. God's mind is so much greater than ours, and it is humbling to think how little we know in comparison. The one thing that I am most grateful for is God's love. He chooses to look beyond our simplicity and simply love as for our passion, for who we are. He guides us like Baby Luke's loving father, teaching us to transform our simple thoughts into His thoughts.

"... be transformed by the renewing of your minds" (Rom 12:2)
