
>> 18.11.08

In a small town in the lonely deserts of Nevada, a small town existed. Daily, the town played a quiet part in the scheme of life, but in universal perspective, each door slam and every spoken word had a benign significance--a deeply personal experiment by Papa, the great Lover. This town, (comparable to the namesake town in the works of Ted Dekker), was the center of an test to replay history--to rewrite the history of the World. As you, the reader will discover in the subsequent episodes, our quaint homestead named Paradise is not as docile as may seem, in fact the town will soon become quite potent.

We begin our journey creaking in a wooden rocker on the front porch of an old white house. Staring off into the sandy dusk of another falling day, a shadow falls over the sickly grass inhabiting the cracks of an old concrete road. A gust of wind lifts the hair of Joseph Greene, a kindly old man with a heart for the well-being of every man and woman in the town. As the sun stumbles below the horizon, a dark cloud slinks over its red luminescence and the warm sun grows strangely cold. The main street shadow becomes ever shorter, as the black shifts into the shape of an old cowboy hat. As Joseph slowly raises his eyes, the dark newcomer is already staring, with the cold stare. We will soon be introduced to this character, as Lucious Oscuro will soon become a strong force within the innocent town of Paradise. Evil has arrived.
