A New Day

>> 2.12.08

The red-tinted sun slowly sneaked over drowsy, snow-covered peaks as a new day began to break over the little town of Paradise. Joseph Greene lifted his head from the folds of his Bible and spoke a quiet "Amen" as he smiled softly at Papa's wonderful masterpiece--daybreak. Streaks of light rushed into the small kitchen, and he moved his eyes to stare out the window. It was an emotive sight, as the mountain peaks were gilded with the golden luster of a fresh sunrise. Day had arrived. The dusty surface of main street was quickly thrust airborne as the workday accelerated into movement. Joseph's countenance, which had been so highly raised, became sullen, as the workday was all business and often full of stress.

Somewhere across town, a car screeched to a destructive crunch, and someone's collie began to bark. Joseph let out a deep sigh and shook his head at his ever-shifting world.
Two years ago, there were no cars here! Oh, how peaceful was life then. No noise, no accidents, no trouble...
Nevertheless, he pushed open his ambled down the wooden steps to his white Accord parked on the street. As he reached for the handle, he noticed an unusual light in his car. Joseph squinted through the window, only to find a small pile of glass in the passenger seat, and a spot of light rushing in through the whole in his back window.
Are you kidding me?? What have I done to deserve this? If I find out who did this...
