
>> 4.12.08

As a correlary to Chelsea's post on Calculus, I felt compelled to write a biting critique of my Calculus class. Calculus is:

Hard to Understand
Hard to Visualize
Hard to Conceptualize
Not Rewarding

Hmm... there are six negative aspects of Calculus, now I will list the benefits of the class:


Funny thing, I can't seem to think of any. There is always the argument that this class is building perseverance, problem solving, and a good work ethic--a theory to which I fully ascribe for math in general. Calculus, however, is frustrating. I have unleashed more anger as a result of Calculus than any class ever before. More grunts of frustration, more hitting things, more screaming in irritation and writhing in agony than ever before. Hard work has taken me this far in Math, but I feel my grasp on Math slowly oozing from my fingers into a pile of rotten mush that is Calculus. The steaming heap of rot has caused me more headaches than are healthy and has not done much to make me a better person. I'm just a more angry person. Second semester, please hasten so I will not have to suffer under such pressure any longer. Exams, then its cruising time.



chels. December 7, 2008 at 10:12 PM  

Oh calculus. I'm glad were sharing the pain. And were just about half way through. We got it tilley